Monday 2 April 2012

5 Positive Tips about Breast Cancer!

Hello Hello!

This time I would like to share some positive tips about 
Breast Cancer!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Malaysian women.
Regarding to this fact, I felt that I need to know and aware about it. 

Ramai yg di detect mempunyai breast cancer pada usia yg sudah tua.
So, for those yg masih remaja macam saya, it is better for us to check.
Early detection can helps to prevent the cancer. Bak kata pepatah,

'Prevent is better than cure'

Here are the five tips that I would like to share ;

1) Be informed
Information is your best defense. Know your breast facts.

2) Be breast aware
Be familiar with your breasts and go for regular checks.

3) Lead a healthy lifestyle
No smoking or drinking, and eat less red meat. Get plenty of exercise, fruits and vegetables.

Be healthy!

4) Lend a hand
If you know of someone who has breast cancer, 
offer your support and encouragement.

5) Love yourself, your family and your friends
Spread the message that early detection of breast cancer 
through regular screening can save lives.

SO, I hope that we can spread and remind people surrounding us
about the Breast Cancer. 
This is very vital.

Thank you for read and spread the message :)